Sentencing DataHub

The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council has developed the Sentencing DataHub to provide statistical information about sentences made in Queensland's criminal courts.

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Data is available for specific, individual offences, with a separate breakdown provided for people sentenced as adults and children.

For each offence, data about sentencing outcomes is provided, including:

  • the number of cases sentenced over time
  • a breakdown of the different types of penalties ordered, and
  • the distribution of length of different types of penalties.

Please note that a person may be sentenced for multiple offences at the same time and the sentencing outcomes presented in the DataHub relate to the most serious offence (MSO) for which a person was sentenced at that event.

The Sentencing DataHub is a resource that is accessible to everyone, including legal practitioners, students, the media, non-government organisations, and government departments and agencies, as we engage with our stakeholders and work to improve knowledge and understanding of sentencing in Queensland.

Where is the data from?

The Sentencing DataHub uses data from the Queensland Courts Database, as provided by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office ('QGSO'). The Queensland Courts Database is maintained by QGSO and comprises information that is extracted from administrative systems used by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General.

When was the data last updated?

The datasets in the Sentencing DataHub are updated annually. Data was last extracted from the QGSO Courts Database in August 2024, and contains cases sentenced up to 30 June 2024.

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    The Sentencing DataHub is a new initiative that is designed to evolve as demand grows and our budget permits.

    We’re interested to hear how people are using the DataHub statistics and your suggestions for further enhancements and additions.

    Click here to send us an email.
  • Sentencing DataHub

    Click here to launch the Sentencing DataHub.