Sentencing sexual violence
We were asked to review how sexual assault and rape offences are sentenced.
The Terms of Reference explain what we were required to review in detail.
This work is part of a wider review that also asks us to review an aspect of domestic violence sentencing.
What we reviewed
We looked at the types of sentences courts can give to a person who commits rape or sexual assault, and when they can be used.
We looked at how courts sentence rape and sexual assault now and whether sentences have changed over time.
We asked the community if they think current sentencing for rape and sexual assault reflects the seriousness of this offending or should change.
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The steps we took
Our final report on sentencing of sexual violence was delivered to the Attorney-General on 16 December 2024.
Content warning
This content has information about sexual violence offences that readers may find distressing. If this raises any issues for you and you need to talk to someone, help is available:
- Lifeline Australia (24 Hours): 13 11 14
- 1800RESPECT (24 Hours): 1800 737 732
- DV Connect (Womensline) (24 Hours): 1800 811 811
- DV Connect (Mensline) (9.00am–midnight): 1800 600 636
- Sexual Assault Helpline (7.30 am–11.30 pm): 1800 010 120
- 13YARN Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Support (24 Hours): 13 92 76
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277
- Victim Assist Queensland: 1300 546 587 (business hours) or email
Consultation Paper Submissions
Submissions listed as ‘not published’ have been withheld from publication for privacy or legal reasons.
- Name withheld
- Not published
- Queensland Health
- Rita Lok
- Not published
- Stewart W Boyd
- Chris Ishoney
- Not published
- Not published
- Confidential
- Not published
- QUT – School of Justice
- Justice Reform Initiative
- Your Reference Ain’t Relevant
- Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia (FACAA)
- Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod
- Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies Ltd (QNADA)
- Rape and Sexual Assault Research and Advocacy (RASARA)
- Basic Rights Queensland (BRQ)
- DV Connect
- Dispute Resolution Branch, DJAG
- TASC Legal and Social Justice
- Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ)
- Queensland Sexual Assault Network (QSAN); Addendum (QSAN)
- Respect Inc and Scarlet Alliance
- Office of the Interim Victims’ Commissioner (OIVC)
- Name withheld
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service
- Queensland Mental Health Commission
- Youth Advocacy Centre (YAC)
- Queensland Corrective Services (QCS)
- Sisters Inside Inc
- The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
- Confidential
- C Murphy
Supporting information
Terms of reference Please note a three month extension was granted in August 2024 for both final reports, to allow new members of the Council who bring significant expertise and experience in this area, sufficient time to provide input into the review and the proposed advice of the Council.
Background information – sentencing sexual assaults and rape
Sentencing spotlight on sexual assault
Sentencing spotlight on stalking
Working Paper on the Development of the Queensland Crime Harm Index - Paper prepared at the request of the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council by Janet Ransley and Kristina Murphy. This paper is based on an unpublished report to the Queensland Police Service by Janet Ransley, Kristina Murphy, David Bartlett, Susanne Karstedt and Harley Williamson (2018)..
Sentencing Practices for Sexual Assault and Rape Offences - Literature review prepared at the request of the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council by Drs Lacey Schaefer, Michelle Sydes, Danielle Harris, Gemma Williams and Caitlyn Egan, Griffith Criminology Institute (2024). Any views expressed in this report are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Council.
Brisbane Consultation Forum - the Council held a consultation forum in Brisbane on 11 March 2024 as part of our review into the sentencing of sexual assault and rape offences. Below are video recordings of some of thepresentations by keynote speakers at that event.
- Angela Lynch AM - Queensland Sexual Assault Network Executive Officer and Chair of the National Women’s Safety Alliance Sexual Violence Working Group.
- Nadine McKillop - Associate Professor in Criminology and Justice, Co-Leader of the Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit at the University of the Sunshine Coast.
Consultation Paper – Background – a detailed reference document
Consultation Paper – Issues and Questions – our main consultation document which identifies 25 questions for stakeholders to respond to.
Consultation Paper – General Community Summary – information about main issues in our Consultation Paper. It includes specific questions for community members to respond to.