QSAC Launches Sentencing DataHub
The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council has launched a new resource, to help make statistical information about sentencing more accessible.
QSAC’s Sentencing DataHub is now available online, with statistics available for a wide range of offences sentenced in Queensland’s criminal courts.
Council Chair, The Honourable Ann Lyons, said the QSAC DataHub would be a beneficial resource for stakeholders.
"One of our key purposes is to promote community understanding of sentencing and through the Sentencing DataHub we are able to make trustworthy information available to everyone, in a new, user-friendly format.
“Whether you’re a lawyer, a researcher, a student or interested member of the public, the data is easy to navigate, with our Sentencing DataHub already containing information on around 80 different offences.
“Users are able to see how many cases were sentenced in a 12 month period, as well as the types of penalties imposed, and the sentence length based on the type of penalty. There are also separate breakdowns for people sentenced as adults and children,” Ms Lyons said.
The Sentencing DataHub is designed to evolve as demand grows and the Council is interested to hear how people are using the statistics.
The information is sourced from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office with datasets updated annually.
The Sentencing DataHub is available at https://www.sentencingcouncil.qld.gov.au/statistics/QSAC-DataHub
Contact: QSAC Media Team
Phone: 0459 887 077
Email: media@sentencingcouncil.qld.gov.au